About the project

Implementation, target groups and partners

Main objectives

In line with the EU policy in the field of adult learning and with the European Commission new Action plan on the integration and inclusion, ePortfolio for migrants objectives in the projects context are about:

  • provide adult learning opportunities to migrants
  • to increase the soft skills of migrants and thus contribute to labour market integration and
    development of entrepreneurship
  • promote uptake of further local education programmes by raising awareness of their
    existence and of their relevant for the labour market
  • increasing migrants self-agency and self-reliance to navigate life in the labour market environment – enhance social, economic and cultural inclusion
  • increase technical and employment skills of trainers/mentors
  • support local authorities, NGOs, job centres and employment agencies in developing and assessing soft skills of migrants


ePortfolio migrants will involve extensive research from all partners for the creation of the project results; collection of tools and resources useful for the mentoring programmes; creation of the learning units for the training programmes, targeted both to migrants and to mentors/trainers.
The project will also have the design and creation of digital tools (digital interactive platform) which will meet the needs of the target groups, 4 stakeholder feedback sessions will be implemented within the project runtime where the consortium will work directly together with the target groups to receive feedback and suggestions on the created project results so that they serve the intended purpose

Target groups

Direct beneficiaries: migrants arrived in their new European resident country or that have been living there for a long time, and that want help developing their soft skills to improve their employability and entrepreneurship.

Indirect target groups: municipalities, NGOs working on labour policies at local, national and EU level and on migration and inclusion programmes, job centres and employment agencies, voluntary organisations that focus on integration and inclusion of migrants, educational institutions (language classes, training institutes etc), successfully integrated migrants and SMEs and representations

The Partnership

European Professionals Network


The Squadre Dot Team




Stimmuli for social Change


Gip Fipan


Gestión Estratégica e Innovación


Learning for Integration




Exeo Lab
